December’s Holly Jolly Wrap-Up


Hello my wonderful friends! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I can’t believe it’s not only the end of December but it’s also already 2016! Where has the year gone?! And now it’s time for my December wrap-up! This month was pretty good. I think I read around 9 books and completed my Goodreads challenge of 100 books with 126 books. Phew I don’t know how I am going to top myself in 2016 but I am already feeling the pressure. I might how even make a goal this year? Who knows.

Anways! Let’s take a look at my month!


The Books:

eBooks (not pictured)

  • The Promise of Amazing – Robin Constantine | 3 stars
  • Emmy & Oliver – Robin Benway | 5 stars

I read some awesome books this month! I think my favorite contemporary was Emmy & Oliver. I just got it on my Kindle Fire (since I got a new Kindle Fire for Christmas) and it was the perfect book for me to read and close out the year to. It was fluffy and adorable and it helps that I am just a sucker for childhood romances. I haven’t reviewed it yet though and I don’t know if I will, but I recommend it if you enjoy reading contemporary novels. It was a quick read ❤


Well thank you for reading and sticking through me thus far! Here’s to another awesome year and hopefully even better blogging year for me!

Until next time,
dee (2)

WWW Wednesday #15


Whoa guys, I just realized I didn’t do WWW Wednesday last week! That 12 days of Christmas really made me forget what I needed to do hehe. Maybe because I didn’t have too much to report either. But I do this week!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?



I randomly found this book on my Kindle and I just had to get it. It looks so cutesy and I am hoping to read it before the year ends. I am enjoying it so far, but I am only about 30% done.



I think I am still in a small hangover over both of these books. I am hoping to get Half-Blood Prince so I can continue my HP read and End of Days so I can read the sequel to Angelfall. I don’t want to read World After until I have the last book.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix | 4.8 stars

Angelfall by Susan Ee | 4.5 stars

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness | 3.5 stars

As for A Monster Calls, I wasn’t really blown away. This was a really quick read and I had fun, but I wish I would have loved it as much as many others seem to have. I really loved the illustrations though. Those were so beautiful to look at and were woven perfectly in the story.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix review

Angelfall review 


hollow city

I think I should finally continue this series and see if it gets better because the first book was a little underwhelming. But we will see. I might just pick up something else (hehe) depending on my mood.

Well that’s it. I think I had a pretty good “week” how was yours?
And how was your Christmas?

Until next time,

dee (2)



Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee


Published by: Skyscape
Released: August 28th, 2012
Edition: 1st, Paperback
Genre: Young Adult Dystopia, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Post-Apocalyptic
Pages: 284

It’s been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels’ stronghold in San Francisco where she’ll risk everything to rescue her sister and he’ll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.

I honestly don’t even know where to start with this review. The only thing that I hate is that I didn’t start this book sooner. It was everything I wanted and definitely lived up to the hype (in my opinion). It was action-packed, fast paced, intriguing, and not just another love story. I loved every single minute of it. This book will hook you from page one and won’t let go until you devour the entire thing. Well at least it did for me…

The Writing

First things first, I absolutely loved the writing. It was very easy to get into and all the details were so vivid that I could see everything so clearly. I wasn’t confused and bothered by a huge info dump. The world building was straight forward and easy to understand. It actually almost can read like a contemporary to me because it was so easy to get into.

One thing that I loved was how fast paced it was. I wasn’t bored for one second. The minute the story begins you are on a ride from beginning to end. Penryn is constantly moving and you just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Also, this wasn’t just another girl falls for angel story, it wasn’t even a romance story at all. It centered completely on Penryn trying to rescue her sister. I loved this! No instalove with this one!

The Characters

When you’re small enough to have to look up at everyone around you, there’s no such thing as a dirty fight.”

Penryn was such a delight to read. She is relatable and so interesting. She is driven completely by her need to rescue her little sister. The only thing that I questioned was the fact that she actually left her mother behind. Her schizophrenic mother on top of that. But you can hardly blame her, so much was going on and she was completely focused on trying to save her sister.

I also really enjoyed Raffe. I didn’t immediately like him or “fall for him” but I did enjoy him. I liked his cocky, arrogant attitude and his banter with Penryn. I enjoyed watching their trust and mutual need to protect each other grow. I can’t wait to read the next books to see where this goes because that ending completely shattered me. I could feel his pain as he was holding Pen and it just hit me right in the feels! 😦

“I knew from the start that your loyalty would get you killed. I just never thought it would be your loyalty to me that would do it.”

The Story

This book is a great setup for what could be an amazing series to come. It has all the right stepping stones and I am definitely looking forward to reading more. It’s interesting to see where this angel apocalypse is headed.

Penryn spends the entire book trying to find her sister and once she gets together with an angel that she saves whose wings were cut off, I was just waiting for them to fall for each other. I was so happy that this did not happen. There is a bit of hint towards romance at the end, but the story wasn’t centered around it for once. It’s so much more. It’s about family, and humanity. This book is dark and got a little creepy for me there at the end, not going to lie. But it’s intriguing and unique.


I am so glad I decided to read this book and that it lived up to the hype! This is definitely going to be one of my new favorite series I can already tell.


I definitely recommend this book! As always, thanks for reading!

Until next time,
dee (2)

WWW Wednesday #14


Hello! How are you all doing today? It’s Wednesday so it’s time for me to update my reading progress for the week! 😀

I am actually pretty proud of myself this week. I’m excited! I have something to post finally. Phew it was getting pretty sad lately having to post the same #currentlyreading book for a month O_o

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?



I finally decided to read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. However, I didn’t want to read such a long book since I just finished DiA but nothing was holding my attention. I picked up 3 books and put them all down after 10 pages. So Harry Potter it is! And I’m loving it even though it’s so hard to hold guys! My god. O_o




Click here for my review 🙂


angelfall susan

I am going to read Angelfall. I have to. I am buddy reading it and December is halfway over so I have to get this done! I am sure I will enjoy it though because I’ve heard nothing but great things!

Well there you have it. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed.

Until next time,
dee (2)


WWW Wednesday #13


Ah, Wednesday. You know what that means! 😀 Another WWW Wednesday!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What I’m reading

Sigh. I am still reading DiA and it’s depressing me that I can’t update more progress. I think I hit a slight slump because nothing I picked up was holding my attention. I picked up three different books and almost  immediately set them all down. But I am getting back into reading again, so we will see.

Okay, enough excuses…

What I just finished


This was really cute. I read it really quickly and I am so proud I have finally completed a book. However, it wasn’t what I was expecting. Well, no it was, but I just wanted more. My review is scheduled to go live Saturday so be on the look out!

What should I read next?

I’m actually going to leave this blank, because I have no idea. I need to read Sugar Skulls for review and I am buddy reading Angelfall with my lovely friend this month so it may be a toss up between those. Or I might just get into Harry Potter finally. Who knows…Or! I might get Falling Kingdoms and give that a try finally? Hmm


Well, there you have it! My very short and pathetic update. It makes me so sad 😦 But then what do I expect when I haven’t read half the week right? Anyway…

Until next time,
dee (2)