Top Ten Characters That I Don’t Really Like That Everyone Loves


Today’s TTT (hosted by The Broke and the Bookish) topic is characters that everyone loves but I don’t really like. I may be a little lenient on these choices because I don’t really hate them, but I just don’t love them either. Also, I might not have ten either. But without further ado, I’ll get started!

First up,

Cress Darnel (The Lunar Chronicles)

Crescent_Moon_Darnel_Full_Body_Shot I hate to say this because I know I may get some hate on this one, but I just couldn’t get into Cress. Everyone always says their favorite character was Cress and their favorite OTP was Cress and Thorne, but to me Cress was okay okay. Sure she was an awesome hacker and really helped the group, but she always seemed a little younger than she was. Definitely not my favorite.





Lola (Lola and the Boy Next Door)

Lola Sorry, but Lola was a little too much for me. I didn’t like her outrageous costumes and wigs because they were just too over the top. I felt like she was just trying way too hard  to be different.

Also, I hated the way she treated her boyfriend once Cricket came back just because we were suddenly supposed to hate him.

Though I did really love Cricket Bell ❤




Snape (Harry Potter)


Now I do like Snape in HBP and DH,but every book before that? Nope. He definitely redeems himself and you understand what he did for Dumbledore and Harry was indeed very dangerous and admirable. However, he was still a bully. A big bully and that isn’t okay in my book. He went out of his way to humiliate Harry and take out his transgressions from James on Harry.

Yes, I cried when we see his pain over Lily’s death though. That was heartbreaking. And his Patronus? ❤



Chaol Westfall (Throne of Glass)


Ugh, I used to love Chaol in Throne of Glass and Crown of Midnight. Though I never shipped him with Celaena, I still admired him and enjoyed him. However, after CoM I started to really hate him. He’s such a moody jerk and I can’t handle him sometimes.

Though I do love his loyalty to my baby Dorian ❤




Scarlet Benoit (The Lunar Chronicles)

scarletI don’t really think everyone likes her very much, but I thought she was a little too bland. Scarlet is actually my least favorite book in TLC too.






Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)

AdamEh, I just don’t get the appeal of him. I don’t hate him and even ship him with Ronan pretty hard, but he is my least favorite and his chapters were always the most dreaded. Sorry.






Aspen Leger (The Selection)

aspen Does anyone actually like Aspen? I know there are a lot of people who are actually #TeamAspen but I just don’t get it. He made me dislike him the second he made America enter the Selection and then get upset that she was actually there. Oh well.





Gale Hawthorne (The Hunger Games)

gale Gale is the Aspen of The Hunger Games and ugh I cannot stand him. Sorry, but Gale was annoying and too bloodthirsty for The Capitol. I promise it’s not because I am a hardcore Everlark shipper either! Though I am still baffled there even is a Team Gale. LOL





And… I can’t think of anyone else. So that’s a wrap!

please don’t hate me! 😦

Until next time,
dee (2)

Top 10 Books Out of My Comfort Zone That Ended Up Favorites


Hi all! How is your week going?

I am still reading Glass Sword and I just don’ know how I feel about it. It’s kind of not really living up to my expectations and it really pains me to say that. But I am hoping it picks up because I don’t want to not like this book 😦

Anyway, before I start another rant that I am sure my boyfriend is sick of hearing, it’s time for another Top Ten Tuesday!

TTT is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, please check here for future topics!

This weeks topic is books that you read recently that were out of your genre/comfort zone that you ended up really liking.

So without further ado…



I AM SORRY! Yes, I have to mention Outlander AGAIN, but I am really proud of myself for reading this book! And even more proud that it is not one of my favorites. I really pushed myself out of my comfort zone with this book because I usually hate reading long books. And if this series doesn’t intimidate you…then well…wow because it definitely did me!

The Martian


Another new favorite. I really don’t even know what made me want to read this book because it’s definitely not my usual genre, but it was so fantastic!


Ready Player One


Now this is still techinically YA I suppose but it’s not something I would usually read. I am not a gamer by any means. I don’t play video games, nor do I even try to understand them but this book really makes me want to! I loved all the references and the feel to the entire book. It was so vivid and makes me feel like I was in the stimulation myself. I really really enjoyed this book. It was so much fun to read.

Gone Girl


I actually really enjoyed this book. I was hooked and totally creeped out by the crazy. I ranted to my mom the entire time while reading this book. I would rush out of my room screaming and yelling telling my mom everything that it made my mom feel like she read the whole book right along with me XD

Modern Romance


This is nonfiction. I don’t read nonfiction. Ever. But it is Aziz Ansari and even though it was more academic than I thought it’d be, I still really enjoyed it.It probably helped that Aziz still put his flair and humor whilst talking about some serious subjects. He made it entertaining and informing at the same time.

Percy Jackson


Middle grade. I didn’t even want to touch Middle Grade because I thought it would be a little too kiddie for me but surprisingly enough this is one of the best series ever! I can’t believe I waited this long to finally read them! It’s not completely out of my comfort zone because it’s still Fantasy and I love love love Fantasy, but I am including it because it’s mostly MG.

Yes, I still need to read The Heroes of Olympus series 😦


And that is honestly all I can think of that I read recently. Whoa I didn’t even have 10. If that’s not a sign that I need to mix it up then I don’t know what is! So this year I better rectify this and read some more books out of my comfort zone because this is just sad 😥

Any suggestions?

Until next time,
dee (2)



Top 10 OTPs That Have Consumed My Life


It’s Valentine’s Week (kinda) and this week’s TTT topic is a Valentine’s Day freebie but all about the lovvvveeee ❤ and I am so excited because if there is only thing I love to talk about is my favorite ships. I could go on and on because it gives me such joy to obsess over fictional characters’ love lives.


SO first things first, Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Please check out there post for all future topics.

Now in no particular order (because it’s such a cruel feat to make someone pick their favorite OTP) let’s get to it!

Tessa Gray & William Herondale

The Infernal Devices


William Herondale is bae and I am sorry but I will forever be on Team Will. But I am a major Herongraystairs shipper XD

Jamie Fraser & Claire Randall

Outlander series



Be still, my heart ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Karou & Akiva

Daughter of Smoke & Bone series


These two are one of my absolute favorites because they are beautiful. Not only are their souls beautiful and the epitome of soulmates, but their journey of love is one of the best romance stories I’ve read in YA.

Shahrzad & Khalid

The Wrath and the Dawn

I know this doesn’t really look like Shazi and Khalid but it’s what google gave me and it had the quote. So it is what it is! Anyway….who else is in love with Khalid? Because I lovelovelove him!

Cinder & Kai

The Lunar Chronicles


June Iparis & Day Wing


Okay, I couldn’t pick just one photo because i love these two with all my heart. Marie Lu is one of my favorite authors and Legend is my favorite dystopian series.

Katniss Everdeen & Peeta Mellark

The Hunger Games


Sorry if you’re Team Gale (eww I hate the use of”teams”) but I can’t ship Katniss with anyone other than Peeta. It’s like mentally impossible for me. Peeta is everything to me.

Anna Oliphant & Etienne St. Clair

Anna and the French Kiss


*swoons*  Who else is in love with this book and Etienne? XD

Kaz Brekker & Inej

Six of Crows


If these two don’t happen my heart will literally break.

Rose Hathaway & Dimitri Belikov

Vampire Academy


I love these two’s bickering! It made VA 10x more enjoyable.

Also, I’m not counting it in the post but I just want to mention them…


I’m not counting them because while I lovvvveee Fey with Tam, I think I also like Rhys😁 so I’m conflicted! But anyway, PhantomRin just posted this photo on Twitter and I completely fell in love so I thought I’d share.

Check out her tumblr for more amazing beautiful art!

Well there you have it. All images were found on google and I own no credit.

And these are by no way my only ships. I have loads more! 😁

Who are some of your favorite OTPs? Let me know!

Until next time,

dee (2)

Top 10 TBR Newbies


Hello lovies ❤ Today’s topic for TTT is top books you’ve recently added to your TBR. Now I’ve added a bunch of books recently so I only hope I can actually get to them! A likely story, right?

Also, I am not adding sequels or anything because unless I hated the first book, the sequels are a given that I’ll read them. These are all books/series I hope to start.

Anyway let’s get on with it…

First things first: Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Please check out their blog for future topics.


Top 10 TBR Newbies

Most of these were just found from browsing the Goodreads list of YA 2016 new releases, but they all look so beautiful and interesting! I have seen a few reviews from a few of these books from people who received ARCs and they have me even more excited (and a little jealous) to start them myself ^^’

What are some of your TBR newbies?

Let me know!


Well thanks for reading! And I’ll see you again tomorrow ❤

Until next time,
dee (2)



10 2015 Releases I meant to Get to But Sadly Didn’t


Hello! I finally am doing another Top 10 Tuesday! I missed doing these but I have been so busy and scatterbrained that I couldn’t bring myself to come up with posts. But in any case, I am back to trying to get some steady postings on here. But I am just going to say it right now, I don’t know if I will actually have 10 books today. But I shall try!

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the BookishPlease check out their blog for future topics.

So this week is (obviously) new 2015 releases that I had planned on reading but didn’t. This happens a lot to me, btw.

So without further rambling…let’s get started!

Well, that was easier than I thought. Man this depresses me. I am still so upset I haven’t even read Illuminae! Or A Darker Shade of Magic! *Puts self in a corner and cries* 😥 I really hope I can get to these soon because they look fantastic!

Some of these got a little pushed down on my TBR because I kept seeing some mixed/bad reviews so I am not as in a hurry to get to them anymore 😛

Oh well.

Are any of these your new favorites? 

Give me another push to pick them up XD

Welp, thanks for reading! XXOO ❤

Until next time,
dee (2)