Totally Should’ve Book Tag!

totally shouldve

Hello! Totally I didn’t do my TTT tuesday because I wanted to finally do a book tag! I am excited to do this one because I have been seeing it float around booktube. So thanks Eve for tagging me!

The Questions:



This is my guilty pleasure book and it’s the first book that came to mind. I totally wouldn’t mind a sequel because I miss all the Walter boys and their crazy, loud family 😀



Now this series technically already has a spin-off series, but I want Nikolai!! I would love to see him as King and see what else he is up to. I’ll even take just a bonus short story, Bardugo. Please? 😉

An Author who TOTALLY SHOULD write more books


I am going with Renee Ahdieh. She was a debut author last year with one of my favorite books! And while I think she should write more book in The Wrath and the Dawn series, I cannot wait to see what else she has up her sleeve.

A character who TOTALLY SHOULD’VE ended up with someone else


This is Alina Starkov (The Grisha Trilogy). Yeah…

A book/series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE ended differently.


*sigh* I had so much faith and hope in this series. It was so addicting and then this happened…

A book/series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE had a movie franchise.


I honestly would have liked this series to get a movie instead of Divergent. Because this is one of the best dystopian series!! Sorry if you really like Divergent.

A book/series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE had a TV show.

Honestly, I have no idea. I am not really a fan of  books becoming a tv show because there is too much wiggle room for the show to be completely messed up.

Except for Outlander because that’s the best show adaptation, in my opinion.

A book/series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE only had one point of view

I still don’t understand why it this book had dual POV. It was so unnecessary and seemed so weird that the first two were one and then this was two.

A book/series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE had a cover change.


I will always say these covers because they are just awful! It makes me cringe to look at them!

A book/series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE kept the original covers.

atlantia       VS  atlantia2

I haven’t read this book because I wasn’t a fan of her Matched series but I admit that the first cover of Atlantia intrigued me because it was actually pretty. But then this new one? Ew no!

A series that TOTALLY SHOULD’VE stopped at book #1.

Okay I am sorry. I am probably going to upset some people with this answer. Please don’t hate me…but okay here I go.


I was obsessed with Divergent. It was one of my favorite books and I had such high hopes that this was going to be my new favorite series to fill the hole that The Hunger Games left by ending. However, Insurgent was meh. I didn’t really quite enjoy it but hey, it was the second book and the last book would probably be amazing. But then Allegiant came out and UGGGGHHHHHH! I hated it. And I am not even talking about the ending and the “plot twist” I am talking about everything. I feel like Veronica Roth tried to do too much. It felt all over the place to me and a little rushed. I was confused and left really unsatisfied. So Divergent is a standalone in my eyes 😉 LOL


Please ignore if you have already done it or not interested 😀

Until next time,
dee (2)


23 thoughts on “Totally Should’ve Book Tag!

  1. Anna @MyBookishDream says:

    I totally agree with you on the whole Alina situation, she seriously should have ended with someone else. :/ The Legend trilogy would make fantastic movies! They already feel like movies when you are reading them. 😀 I didn’t like Divergent when I read it and I honestly don’t want to continue with the trilogy (and I won’t), as the books seem to get worse and worse.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dee @ the Bookish Khaleesi says:

      THANK YOU! I was so upset with the ending for Alina. It was a little too perfect and I just expected more out of our Sun Summoner ):
      Honestly I wouldn’t continue the Divergent series. They get worse and worse. Divergent wasn’t the greatest but it was a good starter book. But it just went downhill ):

      Liked by 1 person

      • Anna @MyBookishDream says:

        Same. I seriously expected there to be more tragedy to the ending – at least it was set up that way. 😦 (Though I really enjoyed the trilogy as a whole.)
        Yeah, that series is really disappointing. Did you watch the Divergent movie? A friend of mine forced me to go with her, I didn’t enjoy it that much. XD

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dee @ the Bookish Khaleesi says:

        Same here. It just seemed to be too “happily ever after” and I didn’t really like that because I wanted more. Not that I couldn’t appreciate it haha.
        I have seen the movie, I didn’t hate it but thought it was okay for a movie adaptation. But I haven’t even seen Insurgent because it looked ridiculous and now seeing Allegiant previews just makes me laugh. I don’t even plan on seeing those either LOL 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Anna @MyBookishDream says:

        I wanted to see Alina end up with Nikolai and then those two rebuild the empire. I think it would have been a more interesting conclusion (plus I love Nikolai). XD

        Liked by 1 person

      • Dee @ the Bookish Khaleesi says:

        THANKYOUVERYMUCH!!! Same here!! I was so upset that she didn’t!!! That’s what I mean it seemed too perfect and I wanted more for her. She could have rebuilt the empire with Nik and help the Grisha. Instead of just settling. (I’m in love with Nikolai too) 😍

        Liked by 1 person

      • Anna @MyBookishDream says:

        Yes! She could have been sooo much more if she chose Nikolai and she could have changed many things and helped a lot more people. But instead she choose to settle down (with a character I personally hate XD – just wanted to point that out). It would have been a more satisfying end.


  2. Trisha Ann says:

    I have never heard about this tag until now (…or maybe I’ve been MIA on blogging for quite a while) I need more of Nikolai and his wit! I hope we’ll see him on the next books of Six of Crows 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nerdybirdy @ Daydreaming Books says:

    Although I haven’t read the Grisha trilogy yet but I do know enough to say that I agree with you! I think it’s one of the main reason that I’m not much interested in reading that series. And I sooo agree with you on the Bloddliine series covers, I mean what were those people thinking when they made those?!
    Nonetheless, thaaanks for tagging me! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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