Pokémon Go Book Tag


When I saw Aentee at Read at Midnight created the Pokémon Go book tag I just knew I had to do it immediately. I have become obsessed with with this app, like everyone else, and have had so much fun walking around looking for new Pokémon.

So let’s mix some Pokémon with books! Perfect!

I am using Aentee’s graphics because they were just so cute and perfect. Everything belongs to her. And please go check out her post! ❤


I always mention how Twilight or Nicholas Sparks got me into reading. However, this time I think I am going to mention The Hunger Games. I was so stuck in reading YA Paranormal  books before I read The Hunger Games and then so many doors were opened to me. So THG has a very special spot in my heart because if not for those books.


I am going to say Harry Potter. I know I didn’t read the whole series until recently but it is such a classic. Everyone loves Harry Potter and it’s everywhere. No matter what I loved Harry Potter and what it represented for my childhood, getting together with all my friends when a new movie was out and such.


I don’t really have a specific book, but I am starting to lose interest in the Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard. After reading Glass Sword I was just so disappointed that I don’t think I am looking forward to her next books. Plus they are everywhere now and it’s making me lose a little interest because of the hype. I will probably still read book 3 just to satisfy by curiosity.


I think Obsidian by Jennifer L Armentrout really reminded me of Twilight at the beginning but I loved it so much. I really enjoyed the whole series and fell so hard in love with Daemon Black. Amirite? ❤ ❤


Definitely Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. Christine (polanbananasbooks) and Kat (katytastic) always talked about how amazing this book was and I really want to try to read it, but good lord is it huge! I am already in the middle of Outlander and ASOIAF and really don’t know if I can start another book that’s just as long. I get too exhausted.


City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare. There are definitely more books that have kept me up but I am choosing this book because I remember I was so scared of its size, but then ended up reading it in one day because I stayed up all night. I couldn’t put it down because I was so anxious and nervous!


How am I supposed to pick just one? Not possible so here are my top 5. 😉

Feysand (ACOTAR)
Jamie and Claire (Outlander)
William Herondale and Tessa Gray (TID)
Kaz and Inej (SoC)
Khalid and Shazi (TWATD)


Oh man I have so many books that are filled with action and were such a quick read because they are so engaging and wonderful…Legend by Marie Lu, Morning Star by Pierce Brown (book 3 in Red Rising trilogy), Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes.

But for this question I am choosing A Darker Shade of Magic by VE Schwab. This book is so rich with magic and action and unique characters. If you haven’t read this book, you’re going to want to get to it soon!


The Shadowhunters Chronicles by Cassandra Clare. I know many people are annoyed that she hasn’t written anything outside of this universe but I will read whatever she decides to release. I admit I would like to see what else she has up her sleeve plus the Shadowhunters chronicles. But I love these characters she creates and I am never bored reading her novels plus novellas. 🙂


I am going to say the Percy Jackson books. I haven’t read HoO yet, but I am really looking forward to it. When I first started reading Percy Jackson, I was really skeptical because I didn’t know how I was going to relate or be entertained by a 12 year old since I was already older but my god it was wonderful. I love Percy and his voice is just fantastic. I can’t wait to read more Riordan books. It’s been a few years since I’ve read PJO though and I am hating myself that HoO is still unread 😥


I still have not read The Kiss of Deception and it has become very popular on bookstagram. I feel ashamed that I haven’t read it but at the same time I am scared of the hype. Although I am excited to read it (whenever I get the chance).


I don’t really have a specific edition that I want, but I do want every single edition of Harry Potter that I can get my hands on. There are so many beautiful editions out there and I want them all!


The Star Touched Queen by Roshani Chokshi. I know this book is already out but I haven’t read it yet and it was my most anticipated debut release. I just got it for my birthday!! So I can’t wait to start it 😀


I have many auto-buy authors! There are:  Colleen Hoover, Marie Lu, Sarah J Maas, Cassandra Clare,  Leigh Bardugo, and now Victoria Schwab. TAKE MY MONEY!


The Midnight Star by Marie Lu. I feel like it’s been so long since The Rose Society came out and the wait is going to kill me. I am scared of the ending but I can’t wait to see Adelina and where she goes.

Also, Crooked Kingdom and Empire of Storms. Can we just have these out now please? The uncertainty of what happens next is driving me insane!

Well there you have it! This was so much fun!

Now it’s your turn!

I choose you!




and YOU!


Until next time xxxxoooo


Mid-Year Freak Out Book Tag | 2016


Wow I cannot believe this year is almost over. Where has time gone? We are already halfway through July! Thank God too because I cannot wait until summer is over!

With that being said, I am going to do the Mid-Year Freak Out tag. I had planned to do this last month but I am feeling a little unmotivated to write posts. I am trying to get back into the swing of things but with this heat it’s very hard.

Oh well. Here I am.

I wasn’t tagged by anyone, but I did it last year and liked it so I thought I’d do it again!

Best book you’ve read in 2016 so far

ACOMAFI cannot say ACOMAF. I feel like I am still in a hangover over this beautiful book. I have read other books, yes, but I keep thinking about these characters and this story. It was just so wonderful and beautifully written. I loved the character development and twists SJM gave us. I am so excited we are getting more books in this wonderful series. It’s definitely become my favorite! Plus, my fae bae Rhys ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2016

agosDefinitely AGOS. I have fallen for this series completely. Head over hills. The magic system, the different Londons, the amazing characters! Everything is so fantastic and just beautiful that I can never seem to want to put my book down whilst reading. If you haven’t started this series, you really need to. It’s so fantastic and the writing and world that Victoria created is breathtaking.


New release that you haven’t read yet but want to

startouchedThis was on my list of most anticipated debut novels and I regret that it is still unreadBut my birthday was over the weekend and I got some B&N cash to spend now and this was the first book that I ordered! Once it arrives I am going to devour it!


Most anticipated releases for the second half of the year 


I have many more but these are just some of them. Oh my gosh and The Midnight Star by Marie Lu. I am litterally itching to get my hands on that book!

Biggest disappointment

thecrownThe more I think about this book the more I get upset. While I loved her choice in the end because that was who I was rooting for I am still upset that this book was so short. It felt so underwhelming and I wanted a more of a BANG for a conclusion to one of my most beloved guilty pleasure reads. I really think she should have stopped writing books after The One because that had a great conclusion and this was just meh. Oh well, it was still nice to see America and Maxon together once more 😀

Biggest surprise

frozentidesThis series has quickly become one of my favorites. I chose this as my surprise because I didn’t know how much I was going to like it going into the books when I have seen so many mixed reviews from people I follow on GR. However, from book one, chapter one I was hooked. I marathoned the current four books quickly. I cannot wait for book 5! Let’s not forget about my bby Magnus Damora ❤ I fall more and more in love with him. Can I have Crystal Storm now?

Favorite new author (debut or new to you)

victoriaVictoria Schwab! I follow her on Twitter and I don’t even know why I never read her books until this year but I am so glad I picked up ADSOM because holy guacamole! Those books ❤

I can’t wait to get to This Savage Song because it sounds fantastic and so many people have said nothing but amazing things.

Newest fictional crush 

magnusdamoraazrielI could say Rhysand because my love for him is so strong, but my crush on his isn’t new. I fell in love with him in ACOTAR so! I am choosing Azriel the Shadowsing (ACOMAF) and Magnus Damora.  I just couldn’t choose between the two so both they go. 😉 I almost put the entire inner circle of the Night Court so I guess be thankful that I didn’t turn this whole post into ACOMAF 😉 hehehamil


Azriel photo cred: PhantomRin | idk the artist for Magnus

Newest favorite character


I am choosing Prince Rhy Maresh because he is such a precious cinnamon roll. And if I mention Rhy I just can’t not mention Alucard. These two will be the death of me.



Also I am going to choose Emma Carstairs because she is such a bad@ss. I fell in love with Lady Midnight and The Dark Artifices. I love Jules and all the Blackthorn kids. Especially Mark. I can’t believe i didn’t mention this book sooner!

If you haven’t read Lady Midnight yet please drop what you’re doing and read it now! It’s glorious. Well only if you’re caught up in the Shadowhunters Chronicles because it’s better experience if you are.

Book that made you cry

asosRed Wedding. I am still not over it.  I hate this book because of it. That is all I am saying.



Book that made you happy

roseanddaggerI am a puddle of feels just thinking about this book. I am so happy for my ship and everything that happened. I loved this book so much and this is my favorite duology and retelling! Seriously, if you haven’t read this duology yet…WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!


Most beautiful book you’ve bought so far (or received)


Seriously guys, this book is beautiful. It has one of the best spines I have ever seen! Plus the deckled pages and pages themselves are just gorgeous! Everything about this book is wonderful. I probably could have chosen is as a book that made me cry because I was an emotional mess reading this book. Seeing so much of Lin’s heart going into Hamilton was so inspiring and beautiful. If you’re a fan of Hamilton then you really need this book in your life. Plus all of Lin’s footnotes are just great. I love this man.

What books do you need to read by the end of the year 2016?


Okay I really need to get my act together and read these. Especially Fangirl. I have had Fangirl on my shelf forever and still haven’t read it. Help convince me to read it right now???? JK I know, I know. I am working on it….

Well there you have it! My Mid-Year Freak Out. See any of your favorites on my list too?

I am not tagging anyone specific but if you want to do this tag, please feel free to do so! It’s fun 🙂

What book is your favorite of 2016 so far?? Send me some recs! xxoo

until next time xxxxooooo


The Harry Potter Book Tag


I saved this tag for when I finally read all of the books and now I can finally do it! Yay! No one tagged me, but I am doing it anyway because I can do what I want 😀


What is your favorite book?


This is hard because I love so many equally but I think I can going to go with Goblet of Fire. I think the Triwizard Tournament was so exciting and fun to read about. Plus it really took Voldemort’s journey to a whole other level. Also, Cedric Diggory ❤

What is your favorite film? 


I am going to have to go with Goblet of Fire for this one again. For so long this has been my favorite movie. I loved the tournament, the Winter ball, and just everything.

What is your least favorite book?


I still really liked this book, but it was just not my favorite.

What is your least favorite film?


I still like this movie, but I just think it was missing too much. Plus if I am going to let my feelings get in the way, I hate what happens to one of my favorite characters 😥


Parts of the books/film that made you cry?

I have literally so many moments. I am a baby while reading so I won’t list everything, but here are some of my favorites:

  • Sirius giving Harry permission to go to Hogsmeade on the weekends
  • Sirius’ end.
  • The Order of the Phoenix speaking to the Dursleys and sticking up for Harry
  • “I’m not worried, Harry. I am with you.”
  • Dumbledore
  • Every. Single. Death.
  • and ugh Snape. Even though I don’t love him as much as everyone else seems to. I liked him and he redeemed himself in the end, but not enough for me to forgive him for all the bullying. The end was still pretty heartbreaking.

Who is your favorite character?

SIRIUS BLACK ALWAYS! He was the only family Harry had left and I will never be over this OKAY?!



Who is your least favorite character?

Petter Pettigrew. What a little twerp. I can’t stand this guy.

What is your least favorite line?

“After all this time?”

I am only choosing this because it gets overused.

What would your Patronus be?

Well according to a Buzzfeed quiz, my Patronus is a swan. Like Cho Chang’s.

Screenshot (9)

If you could have the resurrection Stone, the Invisibility Cloak, or the Elder Wand, which would you choose?


The Invisibility Cloak. Because how fun would that be?!

Which house would you be in?


RAVENCLAW PRIDE! I’ve been sorted on Pottermore 3 times so it’s official. 😉

If you could meet any one ever of the cast, who would it be?

Emma Watson. She is so beautiful and wonderful and now she is my favorite Disney princess ever, Belle.


If you were on the Quidditch team, which position would you play?

Can I be a mascot? Because I am so not athletic and cannot play sports at all haha.

Were you happy with the ending?

As awful and heartbreaking as it was, yes I am really satisfied with the ending,

How much does Harry Potter mean to you?

It means my entire childhood. Though I didn’t finish reading the books until recently, I remember getting together every year with all my friends to go to the theater to see the movies. It was always memorable and fun. I only regret I didn’t keep up with the books like everyone else.

Now, what house do you belong?

Until next time,
dee (2)


The Book Love Tag | The Bookish Khaleesi


Hello lovelies!! How are you all today? I still haven’t read anything this week and it’s stressing me out because I really want to! 😥

But oh well, I’ll just rewatch Gilmore Girls until motivation strikes me again. So I thought since I am not reading anything it was the perfect time to do a tag! Today’s tag was brought to me by Kat Impossible! Thanks so much again for the tag! Make sure to check out her post because it was so on point!


So without further ado…

Your favorite book couple.


I am sorry that I always choose Claire and Jamie for every love related question but I just love them so dang much! They are perfect together and their love is so magical! You can feel it bleeding from the pages! It’s so strong and they are absolutely perfectttttt!

Your top 3 book boy/girlfriends

Okay this is going to be very difficult, but I’ll just mention my recent additions to my never-ending list of book boyfriends. 😉

  • Magiano (The Young Elites): Seriously, read The Rose Society and you’ll fall in love with him too.
  • Kaz Brekker (Six of Crows): Need I say more?
  • Khalid (The Wrath and the Dawn): ❤ I can’t get enough of him! I cannot wait for the sequel because I am dying without Khalid and Shazi!

Imagine your favorite book couple. Who would propose, and how? (If there’s already been a proposal: who would be more into organizing the wedding?)

But, I don’t wan to spoil anyone? Okay I guess if there was a proposal Jamie would totally pop the question and Claire would organize everything. And knowing Jamie, he’d sweep Claire off her feet!

Unpopular opinions time! Name a popular pairing you can’t stand.


Bleh. I am not a fan at all of Thomas and Teresa (The Maze Runner). I just didn’t care for Teresa at all, and I am not saying I think he should be with Brenda at all. I just didn’t really believe Thomas’s feelings toward Teresa at all.

What’s your favorite and least favorite romance trope?

Favorite: I am taking Kat’s answer because I agree 100%.  Pretend/fake relationships that turn into something real. You already know those two are going to fall hard for each other because how can they not? Some of the sweetest love stories started out as fake and I loved them!

Least: INSTA-LUST! I think this is worst than insta-love, in my opinion. The “I can’t stand them, but oh-my-god I can’t keep my hands off them”I just don’t buy it at all and this is one of the reasons I get turned off from NA because they usually are always nothing but lust in the beginning and it’s tiring.

Do you ship non-canon couples often? Name some if you do.


Yep. Dorian and Aelin (Throne of Glass) totally. This is still one of my biggest heartbreaks in YA! 😥 😥

Your opinion on love triangles. Go!

I usually don’t mind love triangles because they are very popular in YA, but I hate when there is just no need for another party to come along just to stir up trouble. Triangles done nicely are awesome and I can totally roll with them.

Favorite and least favorite love triangle?

Favorite: Will, Tessa and Jem from The Infernal Devices? Perfection!


Jamie, Claire, and Frank from Outlander? Yes.


Least: America, Maxon, and Aspen from The Selection. I am sorry but Aspen never stood a chance and it was annoying that Aspen was there like an annoying gnat that wouldn’t go away.

Sometimes romance just isn’t the way to go. Favorite friendship?

Juliette and Kenji (Shatter Me) will always be my favorite friendship! Kenji is just the awesome supportive best friend that you want by your side.

I am also going to mention Will and Jem because these two are the definition of parabatai


What’s your favorite scene with your bookish OTP?

I can’t pick just one!! Oh my gosh this is madness! Okay, okay, here is one that made me smile 😀

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon –

“Where did you learn to kiss like that?” I said, a little breathless. He grinned and pulled me close again.

“I said I was a virgin, not a monk,” he said, kissing me again. “If I find I need guidance, I’ll ask.”

Imagine your favorite book couple again. Who’s most excited about Valentine’s Day (either ironically or genuinely)?


I say Jamie because he’s such a softie and never misses a chance to let Claire know she’s loved by him.

Now It’s your turn:

And YOU if you’d like to do this tag!

*Please ignore if you’ve already done it or don’t want to 🙂


Well that’s it! Thanks so much for reading and I’ll see you in my next post!


Until next time,
dee (2)