WWW Wednesday #22 | February 24



Hi all! It’s Wednesday so you know what that means! Another WWW Wednesday! And I so glad that I can actually post something today because if I didn’t finish Glass Sword I wasn’t going to. It’s a little embarrassing that it took me a week to finish that one book, but gah I just wasn’t into it. I am really bummed about it too because I loved Red Queen so much. Anyway enough of that, let’s get to the Ws.


What did you recently finish reading?
What are you currently reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?



As I said before I finally finished this book! You can read all my thoughts in my review, but it was a solid 3 stars from me.

Glass Sword review



Hardships and heartache brought them together… now it will tear them apart.

Layken and Will have proved their love can get them through anything; until someone from Will’s past re-emerges, leaving Layken questioning the very foundation on which their relationship was built. Will is forced to face the ultimate challenge…how to prove his love for a girl who refuses to stop ‘carving pumpkins.’


I decided to go with Point of Retreat because I needed a break from all the “long” books I was reading. I get overwhelmed easily when I read too many long books because I just feel like I am pressured to read fast and then I get burnout. So a nice contemp was in need and there is nothing better than CoHo!



I have Harry Potter next on m TBR and it makes me sad. But it has to be read and done so I might as well because I am so close to finishing. I am so scared!!! 😥

Until next time,
dee (2)

RIP IT or SHIP IT | Book Tag


Hello lovies! ❤ I am finally doing a book tag! The awesome Luucy from Making Days Better tagged me to do the Rip It or Ship It book tag! Thank you!! 😀

Basically, you just write down a few characters names from different books and put them in a bowl to draw them randomly and state whether I rip it or ship it, obviously 😉 So let’s see how this goes!

First up!

Izzy Lightwood (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) and Will Cooper (Slammed by Colleen Hoover)

So as much as I love these two oh so much, I am going to have to say RIP ITIzzy is way too tough for sweet ol’ Will. He is a precious cinnamon roll.

Levana (The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer) and Dorian (Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas)

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Good god, this is just as awful as the pairing of Levana and Kai. SO NO NO NO RIP IT! You cannot have my baby Dorian, Levana! GO AWAY

Celaena Sardothien (Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas) and Akiva (Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor) 


Yes! SHIP IT. I lovelovelove Akiva and Celaena both so much so why not?

Maven (Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard) and Fallon (November 9 by Colleen Hoover)

So sad that my contemp pairings aren’t lining up because this is going to be a big, huge RIP IT.  Fallon had some body issues and needs someone not so stab-you-in-the-back-y. So no.

Tessa Gray (The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare) and William Herondale (The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare)

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YAAAASSS!!! I swear I didn’t cheat either. WESSA!!!!! OTP!!!! ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤



I will never ship anything else but this! I mean okay Jem is awesome and great and sweet, but William Herondale is bae, okay?!


Shazi (The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh) and Elias (An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir)

I think I am going to…ship it. Honestly think they might be good together. Elias is just trying to find himself and figure out the right thing and Shazi is feisty and on the same road. They can help each other, yeah?

Tate (Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover) and Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead)

Hmm, I have no idea what to do with this. Yeah, I think I am going to ship it. I think their personalities might mesh well and they can be awesome friends. A relationship wouldn’t work between these two would clash, so friends it is!

Laia (An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir) and Kenji (Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi)

Yes, ship it! Kenji is a riot and loyal and would be great for Laia! I think Laia needs someone like Kenji in her life.


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Etienne St. Clair (Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins) and Adelina Amouteru (The Young Elites by Marie Lu)

Nope, rip it. Etienne? No way. He is a sweetie pie and might be good to show love to Adelina but nope nope nope. She would probably scare him with her dark twisty side.

Benton (November 9 by Colleen Hoover) and Magiano (The Young Elites by Marie Lu)

Hmm…I don’t know. I don’t think these two would even be good friends. So I am going to say rip it.

And lastly,

Karou (Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor) and Khalid (The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh)

I think I want to rip it. I love these two but don’t really see them together. Maybe I am too biased and love Khalid and Shazi? Maybe they can be friends 😉

Well there you have it! If you would like to do this tag, go for it! It’s kind of fun XD


Thanks for reading and have a great Saturday! XXOO

Until next time,

dee (2)



Slammed (Slammed #1) by Colleen Hoover


Following the unexpected death of her father, 18-year-old Layken is forced to be the rock for both her mother and younger brother. Outwardly, she appears resilient and tenacious, but inwardly, she’s losing hope.

Enter Will Cooper: The attractive, 21-year-old new neighbor with an intriguing passion for slam poetry and a unique sense of humor. Within days of their introduction, Will and Layken form an intense emotional connection, leaving Layken with a renewed sense of hope.

Not long after an intense, heart-stopping first date, they are slammed to the core when a shocking revelation forces their new relationship to a sudden halt. Daily interactions become impossibly painful as they struggle to find a balance between the feelings that pull them together, and the secret that keeps them apart.

This is undeniably Colleen’s first book. I can immediately see the difference in her writing. Not to say Slammed was horrible, but her writing has become 1000% better. I went into Slammed expecting to get my heart ripped from my chest; I expected a plot twist that would make me want to throw a fit because our main couple would have to go through something because let’s be real…it’s CoHo. That being said, I still cried my eyes out like a little baby once I finished this book. This book had so many feels! 

“Regret is counterproductive. It’s looking back on a past that you can’t change. Questioning things as they occur can prevent regret in the future.”

Layken wasn’t the type of girl I am used to within Colleen’s novels. She doesn’t have that sharp silver tongue that I have come to love with all of Colleen’s MCs, but I still loved her anyway. The way she stuck up for her little brother to his principal during Halloween to fighting her mother for her brother.

Will Cooper is our swoon-worthy next book boyfriend and boy, did he fit the bill. He was loyal to a fault. The way he was driven to do right for his little brother, Caulder, made me fall so hard for him. He has some flaws —and made me want to slap him a few times— but you can’t really blame him too harshly because he is just trying to take care of Caulder. He steps up to help Layken and her mother without question even though it hurts him to be around Lake and I really loved that about him. There was just so much more to him that I can’t wait to read more. I think Will was my favorite character and I am so saddened that we didn’t get inside his own head.

“So you keep your ocean, I’ll take the Lake.”

While Will is my favorite character, Eddie is giving him a run for his money. Eddie and her boyfriend Gavin stole the show a few times. Their romance is adorable and I wish we were given a bit more. When Gavin got up in front of that class and performed that poem for Eddie, ohemgee, I was so giddy! That was adorable! Eddie was such an awesome, understanding, and perfect friend for Lake when she needed her the most. She accepted Lake so easily and was there for her even when Lake didn’t ask her to be. She lived such a hard childhood, but still manages to be a bright ray of sunshine. She’s so positive that it’s inspiring. I absolutely loved her!

Kel and Caulder were pretty adorable too. Those boys are a crack up. Their Halloween costumes were so touching!

“Choose your battles, but don’t choose very many.”

Whilst I enjoyed CoHo’s writing in this novel because it’s just addicting, I can definitely see the difference. There was something missing. However, I loveloveloved the slam poetry. The poetry was definitely my favorite part of the whole novel —especially Will’s poems. Also, the way she included lyrics from The Avett Brothers at the beginning of every chapter was a nice touch.

“Push your boundaries, that’s what they’re there for.”

What I actually really liked about Slammed was that the entirety of the book wasn’t spent on the romance aspect of the novel. The romance is immediately put to a halt and you can practically see the tension bleed off the page, but ultimately it was focused on Lake’s accepting her family’s plans and dealing with what was being through her way. It’s about doing what’s hard and “putting the emphasis on life.” There is so much learning in this novel and this is what earned 5 stars for me.

“Don’t take life too seriously. Punch it in the face when it needs a good hit. Laugh at it.”

Overall, this book was great. Quick, fun, enlightening, touching, and all around pretty great.

“Sometimes life gets in your way.
it gets all up in your damn way.
But it doesn’t get all up in your damn way
because it wants you to just give up and let it take control.
Life doesn’t get all up in your damn way because it just wants you tohand it all over and be carried along.

Life wants you to fight it
Learn how to make it your own.
it wants you to grab and axe and hack through the wood.
It wants you to get a sledgehammer and break through concrete.
It wants you to grab a torch and burn through the metal and steel until you can reach through and grab it.

Life wants you to grab all the organized, the alphabetized, the chronological,the sequenced. It wants you to mix it all together,
stir it up,
blend it.”

Thank you, Colleen, for always ripping out my heart and shattering it to pieces. I know I can always count on you 😉

Until next time,

dee (2)

Seasons of Book Blogging | Book Tag


Hi lovelies! I am finally doing this book tag. This awesome tag was created by Jordyn from J. Bookish and I was tagged by Maria @ Marwhal Reads and Astra @ A Stranger’s Guide to Novels. Thank you both for tagging me! ❤


  • Thank the creator (so she can see all of your answers!) and the person who tagged you.
  • Begin with the month in which you have been tagged and move forward from there!
  • State the best gift you’ve ever been given after you answer the question for your birthday month.
  • Tag whomever you’d like when you’re finished.. or else you’ll be “it” forever.
  • Have fun, of course!

November is the month when we’re reminded of how much we have to be thankful for. Choose one book you’re grateful for having read and give a shout-out to the person who recommended it!


I can go with my usual answer and say The Hunger Games or Throne of Glass but I’m going to switch it up today. I am thankful for Outlander because I am so proud I am reading it. It’s the longest book I have ever read and it’s so amazing. Also the show is absolutely fantastic ❤ So thanks to my awesome friend, Olivia, for telling me to read it!

December is a time when friends and families come together and celebrate. Name one book you would give as a gift.


Because I am in love with this book ❤

January begins a new year. Name a resolution you made this year and if you’ve kept it or not!

I made the resolution to read 100 books and for the first time ever, I DID IT!!! I actually finished a couple months ago.

February is the month for relationships. Name your favorite book relationship: romantic, platonic, or familial, your choice!



March is the month for luck and new beginnings. Name a book or series that you would like to re-experience as if you’d never read it.


😦 surprise surprise right?

April is a spectacularly ordinary month. Name a book that was so over-hyped that it just could not live up to your expectations.


While I had fun reading this, I just don’t see the hype. To me, it was just good not amazing.

May is the month when the flowers start to bloom.Name a book that was a pleasant surprise to you.


Honestly, I didn’t think I would like this series because I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi and since this was a Cinderella retelling with cyborgs? Immediately I thought “ew” but I picked it up because it was so many people’s favorite series. I am so glad I did pick it up because now it is one of my favorites as well!

June is the time to take a break. Name a book or genre that you like to read when you just need to check out.


I always reach out to CoHo immediately when I need a break. ❤

July is the time to celebrate independence. Name a book that made you see fireworks (figuratively. Please don’t light any books on fire.)


This book was so cute and just filled me so many feels!

Also since my birthday is in July, my favorite book I’ve ever been given for my birthday was Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari. I chose this because  I usually always get giftcards for my birthday but when my mom bought me this because she actually remembered I love Aziz, it’s just too cute 😀

August is the hottest month of the year. Pick an up-and-coming author that you think will be the next hottest thing.


Sorry. I hear “hot” and “author” and immediately think Pierce Brown ❤ 😀
But I also really enjoyed Red Rising so…

September is time for students to go back to school! Pick a book you read for school that you actually enjoyed.


October is time to celebrate Halloween! Pick one character that you would love to dress up as for Halloween.


Yeah I love all these girls so much and I’d love to be either. I would pick Celaena but she’s blonde and I am not 😦

Well there you have it! Thank you so much for reading!

Now I tag:






And You! If you want to do this tag.


WWW Wedesday #12


It’s Wednesday so you know what that means! WWW WEDNESDAY!

The Three Ws are:

What are you currently reading?
What did you recently finish reading?
What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?


I wish I could tell you guys I am almost done, but sadly I am not even half way through 😦

What did you recently finish reading?


This was okay. I listened to the audiobook so it went by even faster for me since I could do other things while listening.

What do you think you’ll read next?


So my Barnes & Noble was awesome because they had Oblivion on the shelves on Black Friday and I just had to get my hands on it because come on…IT’S DAEMON!! ❤ ❤

As much as I want to just drive in and curl up with Daemon, I am trying to make more progress on DiA first. But this is definitely next on my list! 😀


TA DA! That’s it for this week! Thanks for reading & as always, happy reading! XOXO ❤