Review Requests

Sorry, I am currently not accepting review requests as time prohibits me from doing so. my deepest apologies.

Generally, I am always happy to receive ARCs to review, so if you have a book that you  think I would enjoy and would like me to review for you just send me an email and I will respond as soon as possible.

But please take into consideration that I read Young Adult and New Adult books. Some of my favorites are Dystopia, Supernatural/Paranormal, Fantasy, YA/NA Romance, Contemporary,Mystery, & Science-Fiction. Characters are what is most important to me. I would much rather feel connected to the characters than to have a story without strong character development.

If you are still interested in having me review your book, please send an email to with the subject “Review Request” and I will respond to you as quickly as I am able.

However, if I deny your book please don’t take it personally. I only want to accept books that I am interested in and will genuinely enjoy. If I do not enjoy reading the book, the experience will not be fun for either of us.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions.

Happy reading!

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